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About Andersen United

Mission: Our mission is to ensure that Andersen students experience a multilingual, integrated environment committed to inquiry-based teaching and learning. Students will have the opportunities and support needed to explore and develop their passions in order to pursue their dream and create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

VisionOur Vision is to ensure that every student at Andersen United Middle School is high school, college and career ready and prepared to lead their future.

Our Core Values:

Inclusion: Andersen is dedicated to the inclusion of each member of our community. Our school is collectively created by and for people of all abilities, languages, races, ethnicities, genders, religions, sexual orientations, ages, and socio-economic status.

Antiracism: Andersen commits to being an antiracist community who practices antiracism and equity in all aspects of our community- learning, teaching, and relating with others.

Belonging: Andersen nurtures and supports a learning community, where we are dedicated to authentic relationships and collaboration, in a caring and supportive environment.

Future Ready: Andersen students are prepared for success in learning, work and life through a focus on inquiry, risk-taking, reflection, academic excellence, persistence, empathy and encouragement to explore their identity. 

Andersen Entrance

Andersen United Middle School

1098 Andersen Ln. 
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Fax: 612-668-4210

Grades: 6 - 8

Principal Ray Aponte

Hours: 8:40 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Located in the heart of the vibrant South Central Minneapolis Phillips neighborhood, Andersen United Middle School is home to a comprehensive middle school and the Dual Language Middle School program. Students at Andersen Middle School will help shape the way the school reflects, exemplifies and honors the culture and fabric of its community. Students in Andersen’s Dual Language program will continue their journey to proficiency in both Spanish and English with instruction in both languages. Andersen supports student growth by creating welcoming classrooms rich with high expectations and focusing on the school’s four core values: belonging, inclusion, anti-racism and future-readiness. An Andersen education propels students forward to find success in high school and beyond by integrating our four core values of belonging, inclusion, anti-racism & future ready. 

As an International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) candidate school, Andersen began the process in SY 2021-22 to become an authorized MYP school. This process takes an average of 5 years. During this time, MYP practices will be implemented slowly and authentically to provide students with exposure to an MYP education.


At a Glance

  • Diverse population reflected in programming
  • Offers Dual Language Bilingual Spanish Program
  • Advanced instruction, including Telescoped Math
  • On-site mental health and other services
  • Spanish, French and Dakota world language classes
  • Instrumental music and choir
  • Visual arts
  • Health
  • Advisory
  • Upstream Arts Partner
  • Project Success Partner
  • Special Education learning disability, autism and emotional/behavioral programming - both City wide and site based
  • Specializing in Newcomer and EL programming
  • After-school activities
  • Middle School Athletics 


Community program: D1, D2, D3, D4

Dual Language: City-wide