After School Activities
Andersen United Middle School offers many extracurricular activities after school hours for students to pursue their interests, grow their skills and build community.
Some examples of after-school activities:
- Basketball with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board
- Bike Club
- Board Games & Books
- Carpentry 101
- Clay Club with Northern Clay Center
- Climate Change & Cooking with U of MN Extension Hennepin County 4-H
- Computers & Crafts
- Friendship Bracelets
- Growing Food Justice with Pillsbury United Communities
- Homework Hangout
- Juventud Unida
- Knitting
- Make a Parade! with Pillsbury House + Theatre
- Movies & Doodles
- Musical Theater MN
- Nature Explorers
- Soccer with Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board
- Soccer Scholars
- Spanish Debate with MN Urban Debate League
- Taiko Drumming with TaikoArts Midwest
- Technovation Girls
- Tennis with Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center